SST for Primary Five Term One Somesa

Welcome dear learner(s) to this online learning on the subjuct of Social Studies (SST) for P5. In this subject you will be introduced to the five (5) major  topics which are taught in primary five in term one. The topics includes;

  1. Location of uganda on the map of Easter Africa.
  2. Physical features in uganda
  3. Climate of uganda
  4. Vegation in uganda and
  5. Natural resources in uganda.

Through out this online study material you will be able to access different lessons which are connectd to the above topics. Each topic has specific lessons.

During the learning process you are encouraged to learn each topic at ago. That is pick a topic and complete all the lessons before you can start with a new topic.

You are also encouraged to make personal notes on your note book to help you recall and understand what you are learning.  

Course Availability

2020-04-24 to 2026-09-30

Course Enrollment

Criteria : Free Enrollment
Cost : FREE
only logged in users can enroll!
please create an account from here before enrolling