Internet Safety

Phishing, Trojans, Spyware, Trolls, and Flame Wars—oh my! If the idea of these threats lurking around online makes you nervous, then you can now be at ease. Our Internet Safety course will provide you with the strategies, skills, and mindset needed to protect yourself, your computer, and your privacy when you connect to the Internet.

Topics covered include:

  1. Introduction to Internet Safety
  2. Passwords: The First Step to Safety
  3. Protecting Your Computer from Internet Threats
  4. Email Tips for Scams and Spam
  5. Staying Safe While Browsing
  6. Protecting Your Financial Transactions
  7. Smart Social Networking and Communication Tips
  8. Cyber-Harrasment, Stalking and Addiction
  9. Wireless and Mobile Devoce Safety


 This course is provided by the good people at


Course Availability

2017-01-29 to 2020-12-31

Course Enrollment

Criteria : Free Enrollment
Cost : FREE
only logged in users can enroll!
please create an account from here before enrolling