Urban Governance And Development Victoria University

Good Urban Governance

Good Urban Governance can be defined as an inclusive process in achieving a quality of life sought by the residents of cities, especially the disadvantaged, marginalized and poor.


It is an effective medium through which the decision- makers can be informed about the public preferences relating to different services. Secondly, through participation, citizens can provide their local knowledge which helps to improve relevant decisions. Thirdly, such participation is crucial for establishing particular decisions as democratic and legitimate, as the decision- makers can argue that public opinions are reflected in the decisions being made. Fourthly, public participation helps to achieve fairness and justice within the system. Lastly, public participation is required by the law.

Overall Aim of the Course

The training course objective is to equip  urban authorities including technical staff, political leadership, councillors, urban development forums, physical planning committees, land Board members, private sector, urban community and CSO’s/NGO’s with skills, knowledge, and attitudes for effective urban  management in order to enhance their service delivery to the urban communities

Specific Course Objective

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Facilitate urban communities to understand urban service delivery in terms of policies, bylaws, procedures and Government laws, regulations and standards.
  • Understand and facilitate the physical planning, integrated development planning and gain skills in translating plan outputs into activities for effective service delivery.
  • Design effective delivery systems for land and housing in urban area.
  • Understand and facilitate participatory planning in an urban setting.

Legal Framework

The legal framework that guided the development of these training materials include:

  • The Uganda Constitution 1995
  • Vision 2040
  • National Development Plan II ( 2015/16-2019/20
  • Local Government Planning Guidelines 2014
  • Local Governments’ Act 1997.
  • The Physical Planning Act 2010,
  • Physical Planning Standards, Guidelines and Regulations
  • The Public Health Act,
  • The National Environmental Act,
  • The Condominium Act 2003
  • The Land Act 1998.

Course Availability

2017-01-29 to 2020-12-31

Course Enrollment

Criteria : Free Enrollment
Cost : FREE
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